Save The Manatee Club | Manatee Nonprofit


Save the Manatee Club is an award-winning national nonprofit 501(c)(3) and membership-based organization established in 1981 by renowned singer/songwriter, Jimmy Buffett, and former U.S. Senator, Bob Graham, when he was governor of Florida. Save the Manatee Club's mission is to protect imperiled manatees and their aquatic habitat for future generations


Save The Manatee Clubs' CURRENT PROJECTS are

   ✔ Increasing public awareness and education

   ✔ Sponsoring research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release efforts

   ✔ Advocating for strong protection measures, such as boat speed zones and sanctuaries

   ✔ Taking legal action when appropriate

   ✔ Supporting rescue, rehabilitation, research, and education efforts in the Wider Caribbean, South America, and West Africa


   Florida Springs Passport PROUDLY donates to the Save The Manatee Club

Click HERE to learn more about Save The Manatee Club, the Adopt-A-Manatee program, and other ways you get support and/or get involved!