Florida Springs Council | Florida Springs Nonprofit

Florida Springs Councils' mission is to build the power, influence, and resources of springs advocates across the state. They focus on the culture and policy changes that will lead to the protection and restoration of Florida's springs and waterways.
They are putting those who POLLUTE and ABUSE our springs on notice. They do whatever is necessary – through Science, Local Governments, the Legislature, and the Courts - to reverse the destruction of North Florida’s springs and waters.
Florida Springs Councils CURRENT PROJECTS are
✔ BMAP Lawsuit
✔ Slime Stoppers: Fertilize FREE Florida
✔ The Fight Against Nestle & Ginnie Springs: Florida Springs Council vs Seven Springs Water Co.
Florida Springs Passport PROUDLY donates to the Florida Springs Council
Click HERE to learn more about the Florida Springs Councils' projects, how you can support their work, and how you can take action with them!